Tales of Link Wikia
Phoenix (Tales of Zestiria)
(Man Among Men) Phoenix (Face) The strongest of the Normin Seraphim. (self-proclaimed) "I am the undying Phoenix!"
Units: 4-Star | 5-Star | 6-Star
Mystic Arte: Mystic Arte Information
Gallery: Portraits | Icons | Face Portraits | Sprites
More: Story Images | Skit Images | Miscellaneous


6-Star Units

(Aspiration Reborn) Phoenix (Icon) [Aspiration Reborn] Phoenix
(Aspiration Reborn) Phoenix (Icon) [Aspiration Reborn] Phoenix
Type Bash LV 1 (119)
ATK 1040 (2316) HP 856 (2234)
RCV 942 (2096) LC 20
Arte 1 hit against one foe (350% x1)
LS Boost ATK to 1.7x when at 30+% HP
(40 LC)
Change CircleStarHeart to Triangle
Vitality 3 Link Finisher 4
Repair 3 Show me what you've got!
I am the Phoenix!

5-Star Units

(Man Among Men) Phoenix (Icon) [Man Among Men] Phoenix
(Man Among Men) Phoenix (Icon) [Man Among Men] Phoenix
Type Bash LV 1 (99)
ATK 789 (1800) HP 842 (1800)
RCV 637 (1800) LC 15
Arte 1 hit against one foe (300% x1)
LS Boost ATK to 1.6x when at 50+% HP
(15 LC)
Change Star into Heart
Vitality 3 Link Finisher 3
Repair 3 Show me what you've got!
Power Awk [Aspiration Reborn] Phoenix

4-Star Units

(Undying Aspiration) Phoenix (Icon) [Undying Aspiration] Phoenix
(Undying Aspiration) Phoenix (Icon) [Undying Aspiration] Phoenix
Type Bash LV 1 (80)
ATK 537 (1500) HP 564 (1500)
RCV 435 (1500) LC 15
Arte 1 hit against one foe (250% x1)
LS Boost ATK to 1.3x when at 50+% HP
(20 LC)
Change Circle into Heart
Vitality 2 Link Finisher 2
Repair 3 Upcoming Liberation

Mystic Arte


Phoenix SA Banner
Mystic Arte Surging Ascent
1 hits to all foes (500% damage total).
HA! HA! HA! Fools!
UR Arte Soul

The Arte Soul of Phoenix for Phoenix by Phoenix. "I have no time to waste!"

Japanese Romanized Translation
我こそが天翔オオオオ!!! Waga koso ga tenshōoooo! ! ! I am the wings of heaven!!!



(Man Among Men) Phoenix(Undying Aspiration) Phoenix(Aspiration Reborn) Phoenix


(Man Among Men) Phoenix (Icon)(Undying Aspiration) Phoenix (Icon)(Aspiration Reborn) Phoenix (Icon)

Face Portraits

(Undying Aspiration) Phoenix (Face)(Man Among Men) Phoenix (Face)


Phoenix Zesty AttackPhoenix Zesty IdlePhoenix Zesty RunPhoenix Zesty Hurt

Story Images

None currently available

Skit Images

None currently available

Miscellaneous Images

None currently available
